Reaching Out MBA COVID-19 Code of Conduct

Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) is offering in-person attendance at our 2024 events pursuant to and consistent with state and local government orders and public health guidance on such gatherings. ROMBA is committed to hosting a safe event for all participants and to this end, requires all attendees to comply with safety and health protocols and precautions required by local and state governments, and specific venues. In addition, attendees must follow all relevant other Centers for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines and recommendations.

By acknowledging these protocols, I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:

  1. COVID-19. I am aware of the existence of COVID-19, and that my participation in an in-person meeting may cause injury, illness, or death to myself and/or my family.
  2. With the end of the Public Health Emergency on May 11, 2023, ROMBA does not intend to require proof of vaccination at its Conference. ROMBA will, however, continue to follow and enforce CDC guidance on matters related to COVID-19 safety which strongly recommends that everyone get and stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines. Should CDC guidance and ROMBA policy change, I may be asked to provide proof of vaccination status and a government-issued photo ID on-site at each venue as a condition of attendance. ROMBA will notify attendees in advance of the conference via email and by posting a notice on its website should proof of vaccination be required.
  3. Symptoms. I will not attend any in-person event if I have experienced symptoms such as fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, dry cough, or other symptoms related to COVID-19 within 72 hours prior to my scheduled arrival at the in-person event.
  4. Isolation/Quarantine.  I will not attend any in-person event if I am awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test or I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the time period recommended by the CDC guidelines for isolation after contracting COVID-19.
  5. COVID-19 Exposure. I will not attend if I have been in close contact (6 feet or closer for at least 15 cumulatively minutes over a 24-hour period) with a person who is known to have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 or who has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within the previous 72 hours.
  6. Behavior. While at all in-person events, I will follow all health and safety protocols as required by the facility and ROMBA. These precautions may include but are not limited to, engaging in appropriate social distancing, wearing a face covering in public areas and meeting spaces (regardless of vaccination status), minimizing face touching, frequently washing my hands, and avoiding high-risk environments such as overcrowded bars or restaurants.
  7. Face coverings. I will wear an appropriate face covering, as recommended by the CDC and local public health departments, at all times, unless otherwise permitted by ROMBA. My face covering will cover my nose and mouth. If requested by ROMBA staff, volunteers, or venue staff, I will wear a face covering provided by the conference organizers.
  8. On-site illness. Once I am on-site at the event, I agree not to attend the meeting if I am experiencing COVID-19-related symptoms such as fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, dry cough, or other symptoms related to COVID-19. I commit to assessing my individual health each day of the event. I agree to promptly notify the ROMBA staff via or by a direct call to the Executive Director if I begin experiencing symptoms.
  9. Post-event illness. If I experience symptoms such as fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, dry cough, or other symptoms related to COVID-19 and/or receive a positive COVID-19 test within the one week following the ROMBA event, I agree to promptly notify the ROMBA staff via or by a direct call to the Executive Director.
  10. Expenses due to COVID-19. I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for all costs related to COVID-19 prevention and mitigation, including, but not limited to, testing, medical care, extended hotel stays, and changes in travel arrangements.
  11. Waiver of Liability. I agree to read, sign, and strictly follow the Waiver, Release of Liability, and Indemnification Liability provided to me during registration.

I have read and understand the COVID-19 Code of Conduct. I further understand that violating any portion of this Code of Conduct may result in my removal from event activities without refund or warning and exclusion from attending future events. It is agreed that if my registration was made by someone else, these rules will still apply to me.

Updated: September 23, 2024

COVID-19 Waiver, Release of Liability, and Indemnification

We are happy you have chosen to attend a Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) event! Ensuring the continued health and safety of everyone attending a ROMBA event is of paramount importance to us and we understand that many of you may have concerns about traveling to and attending an indoor event. We are committed to following all Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and relevant state and local guidance, if any, during the ROMBA Conference and will be asking you to do the same. Accordingly, we are requesting that you acknowledge and agree to the following:

While traveling to and from and while attending any ROMBA events, you will comply with and abide by all CDC COVID-19 guidance, preventive measures, health and safety requirements, rules and procedures intended to reduce the spread of COVID-19, which may include wearing a face covering, submitting to a COVID-19 test and/or submitting proof of vaccination, temperature check or other screening, meeting sanitation and hygiene standards and practicing physical distancing. You further agree to comply with all preventive measures, health and safety requirements, rules and procedures established and implemented by ROMBA and the event venue as well as the requests of ROMBA staff, volunteers, venue and hotel staff that are intended to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Despite these preventative measures, however, we cannot guarantee that you, your family, or others with whom you have close contact will not become infected with COVID-19. Attendance may place you in close physical contact with other attendees, staff members, venue staff and the general public, which increases the risk that you, your family members, and/or others with whom you have close contact may be exposed to or contract COVID-19.

Due to the spread of COVID-19 throughout the community, it is not possible to determine the source of infection or whether infection may be related to attending a ROMBA event or an unrelated exposure. You acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that you, your family members and others with whom you have close contact may be exposed to or infected with COVID-19; that such exposure or infection could result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death; and that such exposure or infection may be caused by the actions, omissions, or negligence of yourself or others.

By checking the box below, you waive, release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless ROMBA, its owners, staff, employees and independent contractors, from all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses (“Claims”) of any kind arising out of or relating to your attendance at a ROMBA event, including, but not limited to, Claims associated with or resulting from exposure to or infection with COVID-19. You further agree to indemnify ROMBA, its owners, staff, employees, and independent contractors, from all Claims of any third party arising out of or relating to your attendance at a ROMBA event, including, but not limited to, Claims associated with or resulting from exposure to or infection with COVID-19. You understand and agree this Waiver, Release of Liability and Indemnification includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of ROMBA, its staff, independent contractors, clients, guests or others.

Updated: September 23, 2024