
Help Diversify the Next Generation of LGBTQ+ Leaders

At Reaching Out MBA, we ask you to support our LGBTQ+ students and talent. With DEI efforts under attack, we hope you will stand by our efforts to support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. We believe that there is strength to be found in our diversity, in our intersections of identity. Ultimately, our vision is to have LGBTQ+ leaders in every C-suite, changing the culture of Corporate America – one LGBTQ+ leader at a time. We believe we can get there – but, only with your help and support. Please make a contribution before the year-end to our James Robertson LGBTQ+ Student Access Fund. And, thank you for supporting us in the pursuit of our mission!

Donate from Your DAF

Donate from Your DAF – A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about – like Reaching Out MBA. Contributions of cash, securities or other assets to a DAF tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Then, those funds can be invested for tax-free growth, and you can recommend grants for distribution later to virtually any IRS-qualified public charity. Please note that there are some limitations on how DAFs may be used for support of a charity, and that all investments in securities include a risk of loss. Please consult with your personal financial advisor if you are interested in creating a DAF. For any questions related to executing a DAF gift to Reaching Out MBA, or if you are making a DAF gift, please email Demetri Sparks, Development Director, at